SAGIS strives to continuously render a service of excellence SAGIS WEEKLY BULLETIN (SWB) Please note that the weekly bulletin will be available every Thursday on this website, as per the publication dates. Latest Issue / Nuutste Uitgawe:  SWB - 27/09/2024   Previous Issues / Vorige Uitgawes:

SWB - 19/09/2024
SWB - 12/09/2024

SWB - 05/09/2024

SWB - 29/08/2024

SWB - 22/08/2024

SWB - 15/08/2024

SWB - 08/08/2024

SWB - 01/08/2024

SWB - 25/07/2024

SWB - 18/07/2024

SWB - 11/07/2024

SWB - 04/07/2024

SWB - 27/06/2024
SWB - 21/06/2024

SWB - 13/06/2024

SWB - 06/06/2024

SWB - 30/05/2024

SWB - 23/05/2024

SWB - 16/05/2024

SWB - 09/05/2024

SWB - 03/05/2024

SWB - 26/04/2024

SWB - 18/04/2024

SWB - 11/04/2024

SWB - 05/04/2024

SWB - 28/03/2024

SWB - 22/03/2024

SWB - 14/03/2024

SWB - 07/03/2024
SWB - 29/02/2024

SWB - 22/02/2024

SWB - 15/02/2024

SWB - 08/02/2024
SWB - 01/02/2024

SWB - 25/01/2024

SWB - 18/01/2024

SWB - 11/01/2024